Why Was I Pulled Over?There’s probably no worse feeling than seeing those blue flashing lights in your mirror as you drive home from a nice night out with friends. You might be wondering why you’re being pulled over, and then wonder about the glass of wine you had with dinner. The next few minutes could be life-changing, and not in a good way.

If you are pulled over, it’s in your best interest to fully cooperate with authorities. However, police must have a legal reason to pull you over in the first place. Following are a few examples that may justify a stop or arrest for a DUI.

Reasonable suspicion

Police must always have reasonable suspicion that someone is violating the law when they pull them over. This can be as minor as a traffic violation—speeding, reckless driving, or mechanical violations. Common reasons police may pull someone over include:

  • Suspiciously bad driving. Of course, some people are just terrible drivers. However, there are several clear signs of impairment, like swerving, driving too slowly, and driving the wrong way.
  • Car accidents. After an accident, the police typically show up. They’re trained to look for any evidence of impairment or intoxication when investigating the details of the accident.
  • Traffic violations. As we said earlier, you can be pulled over for any sort of traffic violation. And during that traffic stop, if the officer notices signs of intoxication, that traffic stop can evolve into a DUI investigation.

DUI checkpoints

An exception to the “reasonable suspicion” rule are DUI checkpoints. The Supreme Court has ruled that these checkpoints don’t violate our Constitutional rights, and police can pull over any driver at a sobriety check. Their ruling is basically that the general good of keeping impaired drivers off the road outweighs the inconvenience to motorists. However, it’s important to note that not all detentions at sobriety checkpoints are legal.

If you feel your rights were violated during a DUI arrest, you need knowledgeable representation. Our experienced DUI defense attorneys can help. Taylor Jones Taylor provides comprehensive counsel to clients in Southaven, Olive Branch, Hernando and the surrounding areas. To learn more about our services, or to schedule a consultation, please call 662-342-1300, or fill out our contact form.

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